(Artibot by Artifyber)
(Atapi by Sterophonick)
(Background image for Citrus Plaza)
(Harrod (Normalsville) by FreonCat)
"Merci, you fine lad!"
"Eh? Anything wrong? I'm just a neocat with legs is all. :3"
"I soooo want boys to kiss right now awawawawawa"
"Now, Sarissa, don't you want a bite?"
"Sup, bro. Wanna catch some fish together?"
"Pssst. Have you heard of this cool website called Citrus Plaza? I made it."
"Wow! Ain't the snow toooooootally awesome-sauce?"
"Thinkin' of leaving the landlubber life, eh? You've seen how the sea feels?"
"So there's some silly lil' goobers to patch up, you say?"
"Hallo, Europa, moon of Jupiter!"
"Eh, Yari? Why don't you find a chair instead?" "...? I dunno. I just wanted to sit on the floor."
"Errm, so how do you like my skating skills?"
"Hey, bud. Want to see what this cool thing called Linux can do?"
(Galgorith by ValorRules)
(Silly Cat by Mauzymice)
(Robo by Oberorka)
(Sam by SampleDragon)
"Oh, Lancet! Thanks for this nice, warm cup... (blushes)"
(Sierra by LoganFoxGaming)
"Ooooh! The cherry blossoms are in bloom, Lancet!"